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Course builder

To start working on your course, press the Course builder button on the landing page of the course.

Updated over a week ago

In the course builder, you will see a course map and the left menu with different elements.

The four symbols displayed on the left menu bar signify:

Return: By pressing this icon, you will be taken back to the main landing page of the course.

Preview: This will display the appearance of your course, starting from the first slide, from the perspective of the student.

Choose a course template: This option is only active when a course map is empty. You can apply one of the prebuilt course structure templates.

Choose a course themes: You can apply one of the prebuilt themes.

Course map allows you to create “IF” links between the elements to create various paths to walk through the course. You can create menus, pass and fails paths after a test which will lead learners who have completed the test successfully to the congratulations page, and those who failed back to the lesson.

On the dark panel on the left side of the screen you see the list of elements. To start building your course simply drag and drop the elements from the left side to the map. Arrange the element in the order that you want them to appear for the learners if you chose the simple mode. And set the connections between the elements.

Types of connections

Course map allows you to build up a more flexible and entertaining course scenario.

Default connection

Hold the blue arrow button on the element that you would like to make a connection from, without letting it off pull it to the connecting element or to the empty space on the map and choose the connecting element from the dropdown list.

In the player mode (when a learner plays the course) the default connection will be activated by pressing the arrow “next” in the right part of the screen, and a learner will be taken to the next element.

Click transition

'Page' type of elements can also grow click transitions to forward learners to any other type of element in your course. Objects like text, image, shape or video situated on a page, can work as buttons in the player mode.

To create a click transition from an object on a page hold the black arrow button on the page that you would like to make a connection from, without letting it off pull it to the connecting element or to the empty space on the map and choose the connecting element from the dropdown list.

In the popup window you will see a screenshots of the “From” page and the “To” page. Here you need to choose the target object on the “From” page by clicking which the learner will be taken to the “To” page. Click “Create”.

If needed, the transition can be deleted or edited.

Simply click the button on the connection that needs to be changed and choose the “pencil” button for editing or the “trashcan” button for deleting.

NOTE: Creating a click transition, make sure the page with “buttons” also has a default connection from it to another element. This is important for a case when a learner would not choose any “button” but would hit the “next” arrow. Any element without an outgoing default connection will become the end of the course when clicking “next”.

Success and fail connections


Light Blue and Red arrows are responsible for sorting learners who failed/passed a Test or another assessment element and sending them different paths.

Blue and red arrows can only go from the assessment elements: Question, Test, Expert-graded assessment or a Peer-graded assessment.

When working with a Question element you will be required to set up a correct (one and only correct) answer to your question for our system to remember. A learner who gives this very answer will be taken the light blue way.

The learner who answered the question wrong or partly wrong will go to the element that is connected by the red-fail arrow.

Unlike the Tests, the answers given in the Question element are not tracked in the statistics. Question – is an element to navigate the learners, whereas Test evaluates and analyzes the learners’ knowledge.

For Tests that can contain more than one question, you need to set up a pass threshold – percentage of the correct answers in this test required to pass the test. If the threshold is reached, a learner goes the green path, if failed – the red.

Pass and fail connections work the same for Expert- and Peer-graded assessments. Except that here you can choose whether the mark should be given in the format “pass/fail” or “grade 1 - 100”.

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