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Reporting and Analytics
Updated over a week ago

Course Statistics

To view statistics for a specific course, go to the "Courses" tab in the sidebar menu, open the landing page of the course you're interested in, and click on the "Statistics" tab.

The system has different sections for you to use. You can export any statistical fields as .csv files.

Here, you can see statistics on various indicators.

Overall Statistics

In this field, you will find indicators such as the number of users assigned to the course, the number of users in the process of taking the course, the total number of course completion attempts by all assigned users, and their average score.

The average score can help you, as the course author, draw conclusions about the difficulty or quality of the course. For example, if most users are struggling with the course, consider making changes to the course structure or content.

User Progress Distribution

This graph will show you at which stage of course completion all users currently enrolled in this course are.

Results Distribution

This graph reflects the results of completing this course by all users who have finished it.


For each test in the course, a separate statistics section is displayed in this field. Click on the course name to access detailed information and the average result for each question or user.


Review information about completed homework assignments for this course. You can sort the data by results, time intervals, or users.


All skills evaluated by the course tests will be displayed in this field. Click on the arrow to expand detailed user data.

Poll Statistics

Switch to the "Poll Statistics" tab to analyze the feedback received from students in this course.

Each question is presented in a separate field and shows the number of responses received or open responses from students.

Group Statistics

The statistics tab allows you to track the performance of group members in various categories.

First, you will see the overall statistics for the group, where group members are divided into 5 categories:

  • Leaders – marked with a green dot – members who have completed most of their assigned courses and have achieved above-average results on average.

  • Achievers – marked with a blue dot – members who have completed a small number of their assigned courses and have achieved above-average results on average.

  • Laggers – marked with a red dot – members who have completed mostof their assigned courses and have achieved below-average results.

  • Beginners – marked with a yellow dot – members who have completed a small number of their assigned courses and have achieved below-average results.

  • Inactive – members who have not completed any courses.

Below in the Leaderboard Table, you can visually compare all group members based on "number of completed courses" and "average result" indicators. Users will be marked with a dot of the corresponding color in the table. Hovering over the dot will display the names of users with the same average result and number of completed courses.

In the "Group Results" field, you can select the time interval you are interested in to view the number of courses assigned to members and the number of courses they have completed.

The "Users Without Results" field reflects group members who have started at least one course assigned to the group but have not yet completed any course.

The "Inactive Users" field provides a list of group members who have not started any courses assigned to the group.

User Statistics

To track the progress of a specific user, select the "Team" tab in the sidebar menu, choose the user whose results you want to see, and click on the "Statistics" tab.

Overall Statistics

In this field, you will find indicators such as the total number of assigned courses, completed courses, courses started, and the average result for all completed courses.

Completed Courses

This graph will help you assess how well the user is performing in the assigned courses. It shows the average results of all courses completed by the user.

Unstarted Courses

This field will display a list of courses assigned to the user but not yet started by them.

Courses in Progress

In this section, you will see a list of courses that the user has not completed yet. Additionally, it displays the progress and the remaining time until the deadline set by the course author.

Completed/ Reviewed Homework Assignments

Here, you will find all the homework assignments completed by the user, along with their grades.

The "Reviewed Homework Assignments" field will only appear for those users who have been assigned as experts to review homework assignments submitted by other users.


This section lists all the skills and knowledge that have been assessed by courses assigned to the user.

The percentage indicates the number of correct answers to questions related to a particular skill.

Based on this data, you can assess the user's level of competence in specific areas of activity.

Global Statistics

Global statistics for the system are available in the "Statistics" tab of the sidebar menu.

Overall Statistics (Analytics)

The overall statistics field shows the number of courses published in the system, the number of active users in the system, and the number of user groups.


In the leaderboard table, users (or groups of users) are represented with dots, indicating their results in terms of the number of completed courses compared to the average result for completed courses.


The graph displays the number of courses created, published, and assigned. The x-axis represents time points, which can be adjusted depending on the selected period. The y-axis represents the number of courses.

Users Without Results

This field provides a list of all system users who have started at least one of the courses assigned to them but have not yet completed any.

Inactive Users

This list includes system users who have not yet started any of the courses assigned to them.

Unassigned Courses

This is a list of published courses for which assignments have not yet been made.

User Filtering

To find users more quickly, you can customize filters in the "Users" and "Groups" tabs of the "Team" section in the sidebar menu.

For user filtering, you can use filters based on roles and registration dates in the system.

For group filtering, you can use a filter based on the number of users.

Group Hierarchy

For easier navigation through groups, use the group hierarchy, which operates like a nesting doll: one large group can contain several smaller groups, each of which may also include some subgroups, and so on.

To create a new group, click the "+" button, enter the group's name. If this group will be the main group, do not specify a "Parent Group." If this group will be part of a larger group, enter its name in the "Parent Group" field. These settings can be changed at any time in the group settings.

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